Twitter bookmarks
Last updated: Feb 10, 2025
Some of my fav typefaces for UI design recently (that happen to be 100% free). 1/18
This year, I bought a brand, and based on the current economy, we've had to rethink: ・ Financing ・ Product development ・ Fulfilling orders ・ Content creation Here are 5 learnings from buying a personal care brand, that can apply to any category 👇
Hey folks, I’m seeing a lot of friends and acquaintances from here heading over to Mastodon. I’ve been on Mastodon for a little over 5 years now, so I wanted to offer some thoughts and help… 🧵 1 / 3
I'm exploring how to interact with Chrome using the JXA (JavaScript for Automation) API built in to OSX. Here is a @scriptkitapp script for closing the active chrome tab if it is open to @tacobell's website.
Hey Lazyweb chums. Others than @bubble, what no code app builders are you excited about at the moment? / @rosschapman
Morse code is designed so that you can decode it with this binary tree. I just assumed people memorised every letter. 🤯
A few old fashioned things I still believe: You can tell everything you need to know about a person by observing (1) how they treat service workers and (2) whether they put their shopping cart back. (read on)
The stupid parking garage at work is making me use a QR code to get in and out. What is a really quick way to bring up that QR code on my phone? One way is to put it at a URL properly sized and "Add to Homescreen" it. One-click access.
Who are the best Shopify Plus focussed agencies in NYC? (Specifically CRO, Marketing, & Dev)
Web scraping is both fun and useful but doing it from your local machine is not very efficient/reliable Did you know that you could use AWS Lambda, S3 and CloudWatch to collect your data for less than $1/year 🤑 Here is how you can do it in 4 simple steps
I just remembered @sivers post on finding domain names ( and saw that I could ask ICANN for all domains... so I did. I just went from 3 emails from ICANN (registration/security) to 1143 in approx 20 minutes. Yeesh! It'll be fun to process at least!
Importing into @Figma with! Looks like the real thing 🤯
Did you miss @ryanflorence teaching us about React Router live on LWJ? No worries! Watch highlights from the episode here, then check out the full episode replay
I had a client today tell me she doesn’t do email marketing because she has nothing to send her list. So here are 10 easy ideas… (a thread)
Between coworking and my work with @amyhoy on, I’ve gotten to watch thousands of entrepreneurs succeed and struggle. There is no single path to success, but the people who succeed have a few things in common. Here are 3 of them:
The most powerful life hacks I’ve found:
"You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back to the technology — not the other way around. I’ve probably made this mistake more than anybody, and I’ve got the scar tissue to prove it." -Steve Jobs
Question: How do you organize your contacts? (Professional, Private, Notes about people) I once asked about favorite pots and I was blown away by all of your colorful and helpful opinions. Maybe this is similar?
Been using Dall-E @OpenAI to build out super quick story boards for user journey maps Works a treat even without specifics to quickly bring to life a story. Game changer #servicedesign
if you have literally any substantive responsibility and don’t get over the fear of people with more power being unhappy with you, you will do evil
One of the goals of @threejs for me was to provide an engine to allow "anyone" build tools with it and make us less dependent on Adobe, Unity and Unreal. Getting there...™
Disney just released their first AR short film on Disney+ and this is definitely the future of at-home entertainment via @BuggeHansen
If you have an eCommerce brand generating more than $100,000 per month, here are 6 things you should be doing:
Closed mouths don’t get fed. If you want it, you have to ask. For DTC brands approaching BFCM, a few easy customer insights you can learn from a quiz👇
Finally ready to properly share Taxi.js with the world! (Some key features are detailed below)
New hobby: prototyping video games in 60 seconds using a combination of GPT-3 and DALL-E Here's "Raccoon Heist"
The level trauma of being a neurodivergent person raised in an ableist world is absolutely underestimated. Many of the clients I encounter have levels of trauma that could qualify them for a diagnosis of PTSD. We need to reframe this completely. /1
TLDR: Starting an e-commerce brand checklist: - Cap your SKU count - Aim for a $100+ AOV - Subscriptions are key - Less paid ads, more organic - Use credit and get payment terms - Listen to customers and deliver an awesome experience
Looking back, I wish e-commerce wasn't my first business. But it was. Now I'm damn good at it. Steal what I learned the hard way:
Is there an app out there that will help you build and animate SVG icons?
Nice looking business fluency initiative form the fine folks at @designerfund
7 free marketing websites you'll wish you heard about years ago 👇
A Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore 🧵
A new edition of the #WebPerformanceRecipes newsletter is just sent! Amazing #webperf and site speed posts from @stoyanstefanov @jaffathecake @nywebperf @simonhearne @rick_viscomi @DebugBear @bmstefanski @Michael_Hladky @corrosion_pt @diklla Subscribe
A discouraging chart. At least for anyone who lives in the US.
More Coaches Like This.❤️❤️
@GinsburgRandy @thercwilliams Whitelisting is the practice of running ads under a partner account, rather than your own. Example: I hire an influencer to make content for me to run whitelisted ads. They give me access to their page in FB Biz Mgr, then I can run the ads under their identity. Looks organic!
Here's a 1-minute video showing--in the words of visualization hero @EdwardTufte--the "compared to what" factor for today's amazing @NASAWebb image. Thanks to the @WWTelescope for making this possible, and @ADavidWeigel. I only wish @NASA and @POTUS had shown the image this way!
You can pass scroll() any function. It'll receive info on the latest scroll position, including the latest position between offsets as a 0-1 progress value. This makes it straightforward to do things like scrub a video when it's stickied. Demo:
We’re on the lookout for a front-end engineer. If you know someone who’s interested - share this with them. If you ARE that someone: Apply. Apply. DMs open. We’re fully remote. We’re changing the internet + We’d love to chat about how you can help us get there.
I did 300 customer discovery interviews before launching my tech company We still managed to build the wrong thing 5 big mistakes that people (including me) make when interviewing buyers:
What website is a hidden gem?
🤔 So, what exactly happens internally when you open a <dialog> as modal? 🔝 Well, they get rendered into a top-layer. The contents of the top-layer always appear on top of everything else in the DOM 🃏 Same goes for [popup] and fullscreen elements: they render in the top-layer
Today is a big day for @Shopify and brands that are #PoweredByShopify! Here are the important updates you need to know 👇
I can’t say this strongly enough… If you make websites, you should watch this 35 minute video from #WWDC22. It’s a whirlwind tour of the major new web technology shipping in Safari 15.2–16.0. Learn a lot really fast. (*oh and I helped make this video!)
Here’s the first 2 minutes of the video if you don’t like leaving Twitter
What they don’t tell you is teachers are told in training that they have to lock out any of their students who are out of the classroom, *out of the classroom*. Even if they beg and bang on the door. Because there could be a shooter using them to access your classroom.
If you enjoy solving web performance problems and want to drive improvements for millions of retailers then take a look. Apply online or DM me for more details. #webperf #webperformance (ignore the location - can remote work from anywhere)
Say you have a carousel or tabbed content where the container needs to have the same height as the tallest item. Rather than using absolute positions and setting the container height with js, you could use CSS grid to overlap each item in the same area.
Here's a more synthesized model of how I think about this: you (a designer) are embedded in a team, the team produces forms, the forms enable dynamics, the dynamics produce experiences, and experiences flow through culture.
Wrote a short post summarizing some of the useful filters I like to use in my @eleven_ty projects:
What are some of the best single product, high AOV (and high margin) ecom brands out there?
A buddy of mine is starting an ecommerce brand/clothing line. Tryin' to help him out. What youtube channels or elsewhere have great case studies for brands that started small and grew something fun and meaningful on @Shopify etc? /cc @ugmonk any ideas?
I just rebuilt Apple Music on iOS using React and Framer Motion. This app is a treasure trove of tiny, beautiful details and I wanted to break down everything I noticed along the way. Let's get started!
#a11y folks: I've heard the refrain that visually-hidden-but-still-exposed-to-assistive-technology should be available as an HTML attribute or CSS declaration, instead of a CSS rule that gets passed around between devs. Does anyone know if this has ever been formally proposed?
Here's are the top 5 things I learnt from DTC twitter this past month 🧵
The other thing I will say about Twitter’s potential sale and what that may or may not do to the platform: On the internet your home will always leave you.
Quick fun $TSLA story thread, which speaks to @elonmusk’s leadership style. So, I’d been a stock analyst on TSLA since the 2011 IPO, and I knew that it was a get-it-done culture, where “it can’t be done” is a banned phrase. 1/14ish
The difference between you and the creators you follow is they are creating while you are consuming. Here are 13 tips to make the switch from a consumer to a creator:
Internet spring cleaning: How to delete Instagram, Facebook and other accounts
Startups have more akin to poker than chess.
Over the next 18 months, we will see an unprecedented number of startups that will shutdown, conduct layoffs, and close down rounds. Here is an overly simplified deep dive:
11 Promises from a Manager: a 🧵 1. We’ll have a weekly 1:1. I’ll never cancel this meeting, but you can cancel it whenever you like. It’s your time.
Bunch of replies asking how this “fixed price discovery project” thing works, so lemme break it down! Most service biz owners approach new projects one of three ways: hourly, project based, or the most sophisticated…retainers. But…
My favorite #DesignSystems resources atm: 🪄Nord @NordhealthHQ - 🪄PENCIL @brainly - 🪄Wanda @wandaflow - 🪄 Orbit @OrbitKiwi - 🪄Gestalt @Pinterest - Yours?
The most powerful feature that Twitter has: Advanced search Until recently I hadn't even heard of it, but now I use it all the time. Here are 6 twitter advanced search features that will revolutionise the way you search for what to read: 🧵👇
Today I'm launching my Beginner JavaScript text guide! These notes are totally free and have been modeled after the content in my Beginner JavaScript course. This is a huge resource I've been working on for over a year and I'm so excied to share it!
The WebAIM Million - 2022 update: An annual accessibility evaluation of the home pages for the top 1,000,000 web sites. A summary of key findings is at We found small improvements, but still much to be done. #WebAIMMillion
New Monthly Experiment for you! ION is a conceptual product. 🔗 We created this WebGL landing page to demonstrate how we would integrate high fidelity visuals into a commercial product. I hope you all like it! #threejs #webgl #advertising #animation
@scottbelsky “When the facts change, I change my mind" is a great way to live and hard to put into practice in a product org. Helping teams quickly get aligned around and bought into the need to make changes is is a highly under-appreciated part of product leadership.
I took your comments on business writing, read the books you told me to read, and have summarized it all in two pages because no one has time to read all that. (This is to give my students.) First draft, suggestions welcome.
There are levels. 1. Do I understand the basic concepts? 2. Do I understand novel and original ideas from others? 3. Can I come up with my own novel ideas? 4. Can I take a bet against the consensus and be right about my novel idea? 5. Can I do this again and again over time?
A year ago, I started WideBundle, a Shopify App, as an indie maker. Today it's: - $27,500 MRR - 2160 users - More than 10,000 installations Here is how I did it 👇
determined to elevate the humble checkbox as the absolute pinnacle of state management I put together this big huge burger nav for this week's @CodePen challenge w/ minimal edits to the template pen and not a whiff of the JS stench
I launched an Income Share Agreement (ISA) company in 2019. Our company survived, but our use of ISAs did not. Overall, I think the ISA experiment has failed and is not the revolution we hoped would transform training and education. Here's what I learned 👇
Michael Jordan missed more than 9000 shots in his career. Reggie Jackson struck out 2600 times in his career. Cristiano Ronaldo misses more shots than any other player. Keep trying no matter what. You won’t remember the failures, you will remember the victories.
My background pattern resources: → → → → → → → → →
Design advice that stuck with me. It’s easier to critique than create. Lately I’ve been feeling extra critique-y in some areas. Whenever I notice this I remind myself that I need to do the extra work to propose a solution instead of just point out the problems
Just so you know, iOS 15.4 seems to have wrecked webgl support. @babylonjs and @threejs are seeing an alarming rate of new issues on that environment The WebKit bug: Please help raise the priority of that bug:)
💡FIGMA TIP: Use global atoms/molecules to build local organisms. - Global atoms/molecules keep products across multiple files consistent. - Local organisms keep the team library truly “global” - Local organisms are easily accessible/editable Keep reading to learn how..
Anyone have strong opinions (or, even better, data!) on whether digital agencies should have account managers vs having experts deal directly with clients?
this is beyond upsetting
"Your brain doesn't know it, but your heart can tell."
I'm in the middle of finishing up a book on the Trump presidency and how the courage and dedication of many career public servants and Trump political appointees kept us from much worse outcomes that Trump and his inner circle thought.
business lessons from a random episode of kitchen nightmares uk: • when a very talented chef gets promoted to head chef, they compensate a lack of leadership skills by obsessing over cooking skills, creating complicated dishes nobody wants to eat (technical vs business skills)
Audio hallucinations are the best. Especially ones where your brain fills in the blanks. My daughter dances to the most beautiful Irish dance music, but the audio hallucination remix (the one heard from outside through concrete walls) is 10x better.
I need to learn Figma at a decent level of depth - does anyone have any favorite courses or books?
1/Early today I tweeted about the lack of Don Norman's understanding of white supremacy & colonization, as reflected in an excerpt from his book. He slid into my DMs wanting to connect to learn more &...well...his patronizing arrogance supports my belief and then some. Receipts👇🏾
Speech from the president of Ukraine. People need to see this. Cut up in clips so the entirety can fit on twitter 1/4
Hey, world, this war is not about Ukraine. It's about all of you. Let me – as a tech editor at Forbes Ukraine – explain it to you in the most direct way, by naming products and technologies with Ukrainian roots. Also asking for RT
We've hired 54 designers & researchers in the last 4 months at Kraken. I know companies are finding it hard to hire great designers right now, so here are some tips that may help. Let’s get more designers and researchers into the best jobs we can. (Thread 🧵)
Are you a designer looking to upskill? I've compiled a list of high-quality professional development courses across a wide range of topics. Here is a handful that looks great. 👇
[Hopefully] Ethical tech jobs megathread 👀 If you work for a non-evil (or just less evil?) tech company and you're hiring, can you let us know about it in the replies?
1/ There are no other constitutional rights in substance without freedom to transact Being meaning to write this for 6 months, but the Canadian response to the trucker protests is illustrating this so vividly, that today is the day.
🧵 Thread 🏏 Awesome @figma Plugins that every UX/UI Designers should have! We’ve linked our favourites - add yours too 👇
I hated Facebook from the start and couldn't wait for it to die. That was a pretty reasonable thing to expect. After all, I'd watched social networks from Sixdegrees on crash and burn as the network effects that drove their growth also drove their precipitous collapse. 1/
Advice from Adrian Piper: This is so counter to the ever increasing pressure to professionalize one’s practice. I think about this everyday.
*Must read* for web developers: how modern browsers work by @kosamari 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ and by @BrowserBook
I'm building out a new team at Stripe focused on making sure our internal docs are just as good as our external docs! Passionate about documentation and engineering culture? Check out the role here:
Over the past 10 years, I have read over 100 self-help books. 99% of them repackaged the same ideas with a little twist. Here's 8 that will change your life 🧵👇
Timelapse of Europa & Io orbiting Jupiter, shot from space probe Cassini Original video by NASA-JPL’s Kevin Gill:
I made $0 online in 2019. 3 years later: - 100M+ impressions - $1.7M in online income - 4 successful revenue streams What changed? I started writing online every day. Here's my simple 4-step process. [Short 🧵]
Stripe and YCombinator, the Mob Bosses of Silicon Valley, a thread:
9 entrepreneurship cliches everyone parrots, but are actually wrong:
Life rules worth breaking:
How do you version your design system's component library?
Don’t depend on the people you care about: (thread)
You know what's crazy? Our first @Shopify app - Monk upsell, just hit $1000 MRR LFG.LFGOOOO! Pretty small in the larger scheme of things but still an achievement nonetheless - now chasing $3000 MRR, ramen profitability. AMA. I'll try to answer as candidly as possible :)
If you're looking for a streamlined process for combining learning, teaching, & content creation, this has worked great for me: 1. Read docs, example projects, code 2. Create basic project 3. Polish codebase 4. Create tutorial or workshop from it 5. Create video from workshop
I’m often asked what keeps me at Shopify after 7 years. That's easy, Shopify has a deep appreciation for great UX, all the way to the CEO. I recently had a chat with @tobi about UX at Shopify, here are my 5 takeaways <1/7>
Okay, never thought this thing would attract this much attention. Here‘s an updated version with some clarifications after some great input. And most importantly *without typos* (I hope). I‘ll also try to publish a short write-up to explain my thoughts further asap.
Say I wanted something like WordPress’ block editor, but for ideally, an @eleven_ty site. What sort of options do I have? It *has* to support previews because the folks building pages will need to be able to see their stuff in action.
This is so f*cking cool!
New Year's Resolutions can be hard to keep😅 To get it right this year, we've collected some fun resources from the community to kick 2022 off on the right foot. First up, @Zumper's Apartment Layout toolkit for giving your home office a fresh new look. 🏠
What sorcery is happening here with these book cover hover effects?! @soMelanieSaid
My Figma 10 ⌘ments ⌘ Deep select ⌘R Rename selection ⌥ ⌘K Create component ⌘G Group selection ⌘A Select All ⌘\ Show Hide UI ⌘/ Quick actions ⌥ ⌘L Left align text ⌘U Underline ⌘[ Send backwards
this betty white scene from golden girls still never fails to make me happy, 30+ years later. betty improvised most of the story and bea and rue couldn’t help but lose their composure and slip out of character. RIP to a comedy queen.
Little @eleven_ty shortcode that has come in useful for a site I'm currently writing. Grab a random hero image from a folder for template use. I actually use it with a bit of logic only for pages that don't have one set, rather than as shown here, but you get the idea.
South Park: 1, Tech Industry: 0
A little piece of advice from Kendrick Lamar
As a software developer, you may be called upon to perform some of these tasks in your career. How well a CS degree prepares you for these tasks (and whether it even should prepare you for these) is left as an exercise to the reader. 🧵 1/
I keep getting asked what web3 is. 🧵
What are the best textbooks (or comprehensive primers) which are freely available online? Ideally as web content, not as PDF.
Last week I launched a winter update to Shopify Party, our internal game. Here's how I built the snowboarding 👇 [1/6]
We've helped about 600 startups nail their pricing These 12 models work for every business model:
If you don’t know, AirTags are what you can attached to shit so you don’t lose it. But someone put one of theirs *on my car*. It was 2 am and I was driving away with no cars around me and I kept getting this alert for like 30 mins straight.
As they grow in size, teams within megacorps and startups tend to implicitly bias more towards Project Thinking and not enough Product Thinking. Product Thinking is a mindset and a process that, once you see, you cannot unsee it. Product Thinking, Project Thinking, a thread:
One of my goals this year was to read 5 books on death 💀. Morbid, right? But an incontrovertible fact of life is that all of us die. It's only a matter of time. So why not be better prepared for it? Thread below 👇
Why Web 3 matters 🧵 just got turned on to this. It’s great. Please send me links to good Christmas music that’s off the beaten path.
BBV facilitated five simultaneous VC and founder meetups across NYC today and we’ll be doing more on future second Fridays across more neighborhoods. Here are photos from the Flatiron and Park Slope meetups. VCs, sign up here to join us/host:
Yesterday a few people including @mrcerifrost, @rickchasey, @baronvonharris, said to me that Radiohead's "Pyramid Song" is very CONFUSING. It IS. You just gotta remember that Thom Yorke is playing a classic house music rhythm, but VERY slowly. I sped it up & gave some context:
Redesigned and rebuilt the digital garden over the last 2 months. Spruced up some styles and swapped to Next.js (@vercel) Everything has been replanted in the right order. Still working on nice-to-haves like search / filtering, but it's getting there. 🌿
I spoke to a person the other day who owns a Chrome plugin that makes over $25m in revenue. Its only him and 1 other employee. Mindblowing. Anyone heard of any other examples like this? Small (less than 5) teams that have huge Chrome or Wordpress plugins (or like that).
Twitter is the greatest university in the world. The best part is real time access to a diverse set of experts Here are my favorite 23 accounts to follow. They delight, inspire, and teach daily 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLZ like many developers, I have a LOT of domains I bought for projects that are... let's say "on hold" this month we're challenging developers to finally ship those domains — and we're ready to put our money where our mouth is!
How do open source maintainers pick which contributors to “invest” in (time, effort, mentorship, etc)? I don’t know about others but for me the main thing isn’t coding skill. The main thing I’m looking for in a contributor is good judgement. This concept may sound fuzzy… 🧵
The 4 pillars of digital leverage: • Build • Sell • Distribute • Network How to get started: • Learn basic no-code (Build) • Learn basic copywriting (Sell) • Start a weekly newsletter (Distribute) • Start making friends on Twitter (Network) Compounding does the rest.
I see a growing disconnect in our industry between companies wanting to hire the most talented people, and the experience the most talented people I know have during the interview process. A short thread 🧵
11 years ago, @tobi and @tferriss brainstormed for 15 min on an idea to turn Shopify doubters into evangelists. And launched the "Build A Business Contest." It crushed. The contest drove over $3.5M in total revenue in 6 months. Here's why it worked 🧵
Last year @alex_holachek dug into Better Form Inputs for Better Mobile User Experiences :: The helper website is super useful:
The Chrome Speed Metrics team are working on two new metrics: 1. Responsiveness: Assess the overall responsiveness of a page by measuring all user inputs 👆 2. Smoothness: Quantify smoothness based on animation frame data 🧈
Looking to build an online course? Over the next 30 days, Ship 30 for 30 will help over 600 writers start writing online. Supporting them is a team of 4 people and an army of software platforms. Here's the stack powering the marketing, curriculum, community, and operations:
so Facebook releases 2 decks loaded with annotations dismissing their own internal research hours before a major hearing, feigning “transparency”… …WSJ promptly calls their BS & then releases 4 additional Facebook decks that informed their reporting. 🙃
Jenn's bare bones accessibility cheatsheet. Because the web needs to be more accessible than it was in 1994.
What exactly is kerning? What is spacing? How are they different? Let’s talk about it! THREAD 🧵:
Investors should take risks on new technologies, but never on loosely bonded or unstable founding teams.
24 underrated websites. A thread 🧵👇
@swissmiss Early lasts for hours! (I'm a late person)
I’m a mother of six, and a Mormon. I have a good understanding of arguments surrounding abortion, religious and otherwise. I've been listening to men grandstand about women's reproductive rights, and I'm convinced men actually have zero interest in stopping abortion. Here's why…
Bootstrapping a software company is the best way work for yourself and build wealth Jason Cohen is an entrepreneur who has grown 4 (!) software companies from 0 to >$1m in rev His largest (WP Engine) does >$100m in revenue Here's his exact plan on how to bootstrap startups 👇
1/ On buying your first NFT 6529 has a lot of new followers and (so far) has DMs open and receives a lot of DMs asking "Hi 6529, I am new, which NFT should I buy" So rather than trying to answer this 1-on-1, I am posting this for future reference
Looking to start writing online? Here are 9 quick hacks to make it a miserable experience 🧵
What’s the most unique website on the planet?
If you're using Netlify's serverless functions, a useful redirect pattern is to map the functions to an `/api/` subdirectory with the following snippet in your netlify.toml!
7 Management Trust Killers (and how to avoid them) 1) Follow-through Fail 2) Talk but No Walk 3) Flip-flopper 4) Gossipmonger 5) Ostrich Head 6) Ruinous Empathizer 7) Us vs Them Thread below on details 👇
8 recent Twitter threads every creator must read. ↓
What are the best YouTube channels for learning (any subject welcome)?
@jordanmoore Web design is where graphic design was in the days of paste-up. Tools & tricks are known. We’re back to where ideas matter. And content. You still cannot polish a turd with all the software in the world.
Self-Publishing 101 Formal publishing deals are a loser's game. You give up 85%+ ownership in your product. And no, they don't "help you with distribution." I get asked constantly: Self-publishing vs traditional publishing. Here's the ultimate guide 👇🧵
The Razor's Edge of Product Development (a thread in 7 parts👇) Focus on the competition, and you won't take the risks necessary to make it big. Ignore the competition, and you'll miss plausible threats until it's too late. Be optimistic, but paranoid.
Jony Ive on what Steve Jobs taught him about the power of focusing: “Focus is not this thing you aspire to…or something you do on Monday. It’s something you do every minute.”
I wanted to put twinkling particle emitter stars in this sheet overlay so I did✨ In case you were wondering why this app isn't out yet 😆
I heard through the Twitter that Chrome "rewrote tables" in v91. I saw it dropped, upgraded, and did a quick test. HEY LOOK STICKY TABLE HEADERS AND FOOTERS. @CodePen (Works in Safari and Firefox too)
[■,■,■,■].map(■→●) ⇒ [●,●,●,●] [■,●,■,▲].filter(■→true) ⇒ [■,■] [■,●,■,▲].find(●→true) ⇒ ● [■,●,■,▲].findIndex(●→true) ⇒ 1 [■,●,■,▲].fill(●) ⇒ [●,●,●,●] [■,●,■,▲].some(●→true) ⇒ true [■,●,■,▲].every(●→true) ⇒ false
I’ve been tended a long post on the history of “Digital Gardening” over the last year. From @holden's original essay to the recent explosion of community experiments. 🌿 Included six design patterns I see as unifying qualities across gardens:
What’s the best thing a manager has ever done for you?
💥Episode Up!💥 A lot has changed in Redux since it was originally created. In this episode, @acemarke will teach us about Redux Toolkit an React-Redux hooks. Watch Here! 👀 ⬇️
Here's a new small GameUI web demo from Super Mario Odyssey! Credits to @akella for this one, he made a video on using planet coordinates with threejs that help me figure out most of the math stuff. #react #r3f #threejs #SuperMarioOdyssey
Hey, I wanted to share my current portfolio made with #threejs and #GSAP. Thanks to @bruno_simon and his course #threejsJourney which helped me a lot with the WebGL part. Music by @Zack_Hemsey Cursor inspired by Midwam from @Immersive_g See it live at :
I analyzed 100s of landing pages to give you some inspiration. Here are 34 of the very best:
Imagine you're using a product and something bothers you about it. Maybe it takes 5 clicks to do anything. Maybe it works but is kinda ugly and clunky. "I bet I could make a new app that's 15% better," you think. "Instant business success!" This is a fallacy. Thread 👇
I have a friend whose daughter just came out to him as pansexual and he asked me for any resources on raising LGBTQ+ children, especially as an affirming Christian. Any of you have any good recommendations I could send to him?
WebGL 3D Graphics Explained in 100 Seconds
For 15 years I’ve been running one of the largest and most net carbon impactful tech startups in ny. Along the way I’ve observed a pretty universal principle that 100% predicts what products and movements will succeed or fail in having a real impact on carbon emissions: /1
The Blank Sheet Method that will 10x your reading comprehension. Here is how it works.
Want to build an effective dev portfolio? Read @JoshWComeau's free “Building an Effective Dev Portfolio” ebook. It's packed with great advice! Here are 7 things I've learned while reading🧵
It's @awscloud billing week. Ask me anything about your bill!
I've been researching online courses Have spoken with several online teachers, marketers, investors, etc. Here's (a bit of) what I've learned
🔥 I'm SO EXCITED about Expo App Services!! 👉 Build and Upload ANY project!! ⚖️ Smaller binary size 🎲 ANY native module you want 💻 From anywhere Watch the video 🚀
Here is an agency shot guide for creating new assets. 👇Free Download👇
How user interface evolved for the past 40 years ✨ Visual Thread 🧵
Lesson design 🧵 Every lesson comes from experience, and every experience offers up its own lessons. How do we design experiences so that students... 1) Internalize the core, intended lesson(s) 2) Do not internalize lesson(s) that make learning harder in the future Off we go!
@schlaf @enspiral @Ouishare If you haven’t done so yet, I highly recommend this book on the topic of such flat organizations
Here is the template
Hey friends who work on documentation! Does your team track any metrics to see how successful your documentation is? If so, what are those metrics?
What non work things are you learning about right now? Polyvagal Theory for understanding the body's role in mental health. Mind blowing. Here's a short explainer for those who are interested.
How to design almost any UI element. A curated list of 58 articles 👇
🧵 Taylor Swift, intellectual property law, and due dilligence disasters In 2005, 13-year-old aspiring country singer Taylor Swift signed a record deal with 0-year-old aspiring label Big Machine Records.
🔖 Vanilla JavaScript code snippets. Lightweight vanilla JS snippets 30 Seconds of Code HTML DOM Vanilla JS Toolkit Micro-Utilities
I'm the parent of a trans kid. I want to clarify what that means (as best I can), because a lot of folks don't know or make incorrect presumptions. Happy #TransDayOfVisibility.
This is a story about how I lost $10,000,000 by doing something stupid. Ten. Million. Dollars. Literally up in smoke. Money bonfire. That’s enough to retire with $250,000+ in annual income. Here’s what happened…
Looking for recommendations for books of poetry a 15 YO boy might like. He’s not a very adventurous reader but interested. Poets, books, or anthologies welcome.
Ppl often debate: expert or generalist? The best ppl I've worked with are T-shaped: 1. Strong base of skills 2. Deep expertise in 1 area Best way to build your T? Build a product from scratch. Forces you to specialize in 1 space, while building a base of essential skills.
Seven incredibly non-intuitive things about growing your career, a thread 👇
🧵 A short thread of questions to ask when building a company (collected from the works of Peter Thiel, Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, and Marty Neumeier). They require good answers and they increase with difficulty...
If you’re an experienced full-stack or back-end developer without a traditional CS education, what foundational concepts do you feel would have helped you advance more quickly had you learned them sooner?
How I developed an App (from 0 to market) in a 12H Livestream for the Hackathon organized by @hashnode and @AWSAmplify #reactnative #aws #typescript #hashnode #amplifyhashnode
How Loom grew from 0-500K users, and beyond: [Part 1 of 2]
So I spent the day building @joinClubhouse in SwiftUI and I decided to document the whole creative process 🎥
@piccalilli_ Found this great one, by @MishaHeesakkers
10 reasons your product will fail. Words: @BrianNorgard ↓
Here's a thread of live streaming resources I'm finding useful 🤔🖥🧵
THREAD: Here are 10 insights I've learned over the last 5 years coaching executives, entrepreneurs, and athletes. On sustainable success, peak performance, and career advice: 👇👇
Browser Frame looks awesome. Drag and drop a screenshot or mockup and it will wrap it in browser frame. You can even customize the look and feel to match specific vendors.
I get questions from founders about early stage product development. It's a unique time where you have to move fast but balance to work on the right things. I thought to share some of my lessons for founders at the earliest stages: Thread 🧵
So, I was asked to write down my thoughts on the coup for a major newspaper earlier this week. I told them no, and let me tell you why.
(THREAD) Media has yet to do a deep dive on precisely what Trump *said* in his January 6 speech in DC—a speech now called an "incitement to insurrection," and the basis for an article of impeachment coming Monday. This thread unpacks the speech. I hope you'll read on and RETWEET.
My message to my fellow Americans and friends around the world following this week's attack on the Capitol.
Building Principles: ↓
Stephen, why are you so critical of Facebook and not the other big tech companies? A 🧵 for well-intentioned engineers about how to navigate the complexities of big tech.
The Calvin and Hobbes comic strip ended 25 years ago, so let’s celebrate a New Years treat by analyzing it! Awhile back I had a students annotate structures in every C&H strip, so we have data on the whole thing. As Calvin says: let’s go exploring! 1/
A few $100K/year revenue streams, for inspiration: - 300 customers @ $29/mo - 6 sales/day @ $45 each - 1 sale/day @ $270 each - 50 students/quarter @ $500 each - 15 hrs/week @ $125/hr No capital necessary. Parallelizable. Achievable as a one-person business.
We are happy to finally release the #11ties videos. 11 min ⚡️ talks on @eleven_ty, recorded on 11/11 @ 1:11pm. A big thx to all speakers: @Phacks @TheGreenGreek @brob @raymondcamden & @danfascia a Thread 🧵 1/ #Jamstack
Sharing is caring, and I want to share with you one of the tricks we use at NASA to address risk. We all have risks / challenges in our lives. (Don't be scared by the matrix)
Candace Owens hasn’t recovered since Dave Chapelle dragged her
Beat two eggs w/ salt. Let them rest whilst getting your butter hot (~30g in an 8inch non-stick). Using a spatula, whisk the eggs rapidly on high heat; when you have a ‘wet scramble’ - 🤷♂️ - turn off. Takes seconds. Even & fill the cracks with uncooked egg from top layer.
I spent 3 years as a retirement home server. What I learned will help you win people & make friends. ( I save the best for last) // A THREAD //
Since we're celebrating #TheCount today, never forget that, in 1988, scheming Ronald Grump conned Oscar out of his home and built "Grump Tower" out of trashcans and human shit in the middle of @SesameStreet. The furious residents threw Ronald in the trash and ran him out of town.
When a team has an autonomy on how to realize the task but is not interested in its business context.
This weekend I replaced 135 lines of fluid typography on with the two lines below ⬇️ . clamp allows the font size to adjust between two values. The browser takes care of the rest 💅 built with @eleven_ty
1/ today $TWLO has a market cap of ~$49B and announced they're acquiring Segment for ~$3B. while it's easy to #humblebrag "i was fortunate to be a seed-stage investor 12 yrs ago" (see i just did it) and make a splash on @VCbrags, i have another story to tell.
I gotta say @PeteButtigieg conducts a master class of how to appear on Fox News and stick the landing.
We're looking to add a section to the @FounderLibrary on bootstrapping. What are the best resources for founders who want to bootstrap their companies?
me: “maybe jesus didn’t actually die for our sins” my mentions:
Rehash: Forms of self-employment income 👇 🟢 info products: volatile, potential for extreme ROI. 🔴 product as a service: slow ramp up, potential for extreme scale. 🔵 you as a service: doesn't scale, predictable, stable, choose your own hours. Mix together for max effect!
When a guy says ‘She’s asking for it’
Most founders struggle with how to acquire their first 100 beta sign ups for a new idea. I’ve done it for 2 products in the last few months (one has 1500+ beta sign ups and the other has 500+) without even going on @ProductHunt Here’s how I did it: 👇🏽 (a thread) 🧵
If you want to improve the quality of your meetings, just ask these questions before you dive in: -Who's leading/facilitating? -Who's capturing notes and action items? -What's our objective? -What's the desired outcome? -What does success look like?
The Netflix "ta-dum" soundmark is one of the all time greats, but doesn't work as well in a theater because it's only 3 seconds long. So Netflix commissioned Hans Zimmer to extend it for theaters and ... it's ... so ... good.
I want to talk about one of the most dangerous and destructive weapons ever crafted: the myth of American Exceptionalism. It's protected slavery, legitimized genocide, and is the reason we're failing now. Here's what I learned writing AMERICAN RULE. 1/
In 2004 I got the opportunity to work with Jeff Bezos to develop the original Kindle. It was Amazon’s first foray into hardware and I learned a ton from my interactions with Jeff. Here’s some of the stories and lessons that I took away from that experience:
17 creative feedback techniques that influence others and win meetings. Two decades of creative decision making at ZURB have taught us a lot. Use these ideas.👇
1/ Oatly doesn't think like the rest. They've been around for 20 years as a Swedish company fighting for attention. Last week, the oat milk company raised $200mm at a $2bn valuation. This is a lesson on creativity and how @oatly turns disadvantages into massive opportunities.
Divorce your time and income: (thread)
Pricing freelancing projects. Everything I've learned. A thread.
The Stripe checkout integration is now live! :) Very happy with what I have at the moment and a big thanks goes to @jlengstorf and @thorwebdev for their inspiring series about integrating stripe checkout on a static site using Netlify serverless functions
Gil Scott-Heron explaining what he meant when he said “The revolution will not be televised”
To understand inequality in New York, I spent months (and months!) drawing these 100 people. You can see how each of them are likely to be affected by Covid-19 here
Now this is how you do a productivity app demo
What is something you wish you knew when you first started your business or your career?
Nerding hard on digital gardens, personal wikis, and experimental knowledge systems with @_jonesian today. We have an epic collection going, check these out... 1. @tomcritchlow's Wikifolders:
From $0 to $20,145.92 in 2 months with a side project A thread... 👇
There are Good Product Managers and there are Great Product Managers. There are also Okay Product Managers and Bad Product Managers, but we will focus on the Good and the Great here. Good Product Managers, Great Product Managers, a thread:
Today, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine @PittHealthSci scientists announced a potential vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus causing the #COVID19 pandemic.
Front-end devs that work a lot with performance and profiling: Are there any quick tips you can give fellow developers to help them improve performance in their web apps?
The secret to successful relationships: Focus on other people’s needs, and surround yourself with people who do the same
With many shifting to #remoteworking , I thought it might be helpful to share some of my own personal practices I have learned over the past 6 years. If you find these helpful, please feel free to pass along! If you have a question, just let me know. A thread of quick tips /
Company-wide policy decisions should be communicated through management first. This way, you can convey the strategy behind the decision and have them help with messaging. Then, you announce. Anything else is throwing a grenade into a room and using your managers as blast doors.
Ahoy, Paul! Happy to offer a second set of eyes. I like where this is going: personally I’m not seeing anything wrong with the E-T join, but maybe this is what you’re seeing (& a way out)? —>
Some thoughts on the importance of archiving temporary and transient digital work.
Filmmakers, composers, and playwrights carefully author the time dimension of their work. The feeling of a pregnant pause and an accelerando comes from viewers' experience of passing time. Those mediums express a few hours’ evolving experience—what about days, months, years? 👇
If you want to understand what happened with Shadow and the failure of the Iowa Caucus app you have to understand how electoral campaign tech work is done and funded. Let me tell you a story to make sense of it.
To complement my summary of "The E-Myth Revisited" book about building a small business that works, I will share my favourite company playbooks. #startup #business – A THREAD –
Tips on negotiating an offer: You've done well in the interview. Now you have the recruiter calling you and reading out some numbers for you. What do you do? Here are some tips I give people. A 🧵
Pitch with specificity: 1. We're a design studio. 2. We turn your intellectual property into visual assets that ensure the value of your service can't be misinterpreted. No one is buying 1 if they've heard of 2.
Now that Web Components are supported across all major browsers, you might want to use them but are still held back by IE. Here’s some progressive enhancement links that might help: …
"A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want." - Joe Sondow
How to build a six figure service business: (thread) 1. Identify a problem 2. Clearly articulate the solution 3. Make it easy to buy and use This is something I built with a friend last year: 12 x clients at $1,500/mo = $216,000/yr
The genius of Instagram V1’s filters was in how they solved the “ghost town” problem. Filters were a useful single-player experience even w/ 0 friends. If building a new social network—I’d paradoxically focus less on network design—more on crafting a novel 1-player experience.
Should I get in on the 1 like = 1 take (max 100) train and tweet about product management? 10 Likes and I'll start a thread of product tips and 🌶️takes.
how will crafting great product experiences be fundamentally different over next decade? 1. the reliance of “ego analytics” for consumer engagement (likes, etc) is backfiring, consumers will resist measures and seek alternate forms of proof of value
the explanation for why he-man has a tiger is one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life and i have to share the whole clip
When you rush at the end, it’s not the end’s fault, it’s the beginning and middle’s fault. Make your own URL shortener. For free (assuming you already own a domain). In 5 minutes. Control your links.
“The District Sleeps Alone Tonight” by @PostalService
I keep seeing tweets from people who are new to self-employment or freelancing who are totally burnt out. Guys - it doesn’t need to be this way. So here are my top tips for 2020 1) make yourself an annual leave spreadsheet and make sure you take it
Programmers spend far too much time worrying about whether their stack will scale up, and far too little addressing the real danger of whether it can scale down. Small teams bet – and lose! – the farm on big tech solutions to banal problems all the fucking time.
This is the greatest 5 minutes of storytelling of all time. 10 years later and I still get inspired by it.
A masterclass in marketing from one of the greatest ever, Steve Jobs. Marketing is about values.
Mute me for a bit if you don’t like long diatribes about startup debacles but this reminds me of a story (1/n)
Hey twitter friends, can you link me to articles in the frontend and web dev space that are timeless and changed your perspective in some way. It maybe a gist, a readme, a tutorial or even a video. Looking to read some good content. RT for reach? 🙌
If everything used “value based pricing” a bottle of water would be $100.
This 1967 educational film strip was deemed “impossible” and “fantastical” by may observers at the time. With the input from scientists at Bell Labs it painted a future of 2020. It predicted elements of the technologies precisely. From e-commerce to social networks—in 1967:
“Execution is a critical gap between an idea and reality, but it’s not the only one. Another is belief. For ideas to matter, people have to believe in them. There’s only so much an idea can do on its own. Ideas need supporters, carriers and executors to be real.” —@ystrickler
If for whatever reason you’re not able to access to the Eleventy docs website, you can run the *complete* docs locally in 5 steps: git clone cd npm install npx @11ty/eleventy --serve Go to http://localhost:8080/
Gestures of ambitious white men are historically concealed poison. Handshake of a suit, gift of a blanket, the promise of a holy book. Inversion of power, capture of territory requires deceit or violence. so, white men as both most succesful and most hated/feared makes sense.
Extraordinary clip from 20 years ago. David Bowie sharing what he feels about what the internet is going to turn into. And he’s not wrong. Paxman: it’s just a tool tho isn’t it? Bowie: No it’s not.
Looks like you can!
The Full Rotation of the Moon: A Beautiful, High Resolution Timelapse Film Credit NASA/LRO
What fun public APIs do you know?
No over yes. Hard over easy. Outcome over ego. Simple over complex. Listen over speaking. Doing over criticizing. Effective over efficient. Long term over short term. Avoiding stupidity over seeking brilliance.
Revenue generated each minute: Amazon $483,333 per minute Apple $410,000 per minute Google $296,667 per minute Microsoft $256,667 per minute IBM $146,520 per minute Facebook $128,333 per minute Netflix $38,333 per minute Uber $24,420 per minute
Here's how I decide where to put state as my apps evolve. I've found this to be an effective way to optimize the maintenance (changeability) and performance of my React apps.
What freelance developers or small dev teams have you worked with successfully? What made them the right team?
I don't think enough design practitioners currently think about the consequences end of the bonbon. Want to make an impact? Measure your product impact in that entire green triangle, not a narrow slice of growth or profit. Value beyond immediate users pushing beautiful buttons.
I read about all this pessimism in the markets when there’re no real signs of global recession. There’s no one single reason this time around. Now it’s about a paradigm being exhausted. The inability to see where disruption, change and growth are going to come from:
.red + .blue 🔴🔵 (adjacent sibling) .red ~ .blue 🔴...🔵 (general sibling) .red > .blue 🔴 └🔵 (direct descendent) .red .blue 🔴 . . . . . . . . . . . └🔵 (literally no idea)
Startup people... How would you describe product/market fit (PMF) to a friend who has never heard about it before? (Share a quote or link to your favorite explanation if you’d like!)
Two lessons I learned when building my first business: 1. You only get value out of projects that you finish. 2. Brilliant new ideas are often defensive mechanisms against the fear of failing to finish the last project.
Has anyone cracked the code on how to teach your kids to work hard?
@firefox I still don’t understand why, but there is a solution for now. We didn’t have any <script>s in our <head>, so just putting one there with a comment fixes it. <script>/* Firefox needs this to prevent FOUC. */</script> </head> Hattip @JasonEtco
@schlaf A great deep dive is "What's Going on in There: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life."
@schlaf ‘The Scientist in the Crib’ - Gopnik, Meltzoff, and Kuhl. Great starting point - I think I heard about it after listening to @FutureJurvetson speak on a podcast and cited it as great opener to the this space.
Who are some entrepreneurs you look up to?
OK, let's start with a simple one. Please tell me your favourite tip or trick that you give to beginning CSS programmers.
💡 I've got an idea for a small side project! I'm in the process of deleting my Facebook account, and one thing I'm going to miss the most is birthday reminders. I want to create an app that will allow importing the birthdays' calendar from Facebook and notify users via email.
@andybelldesign @pieterbeulque @eleven_ty Super basic example, this worked for me but it seems so basic that I may have completely missed something obvious Works though!
The Dumb Idea Paradox. Why great ideas often start out by sounding dumb. Thread 👇
The coolest people I know: 1 have great manners 2 remember people's names 3 show up on time 4 lifelong students 5 listen with interest 6 don't respond to negativity 7 random acts of kindness 8 mentor 9 give without expecting a get 10 holding doors open 11 graceful truth tellers
This is a quick THREAD for people who think “modern worship” or “American evangelicalism” or megachurches are all show and entertainment to “attract” shallow consumer Christians:
Weekly, someone reaches out to me asking for career advice on the decision to go from being an operator to a VC. Thought I’d memorialize it here in case others are curious:
What's your favorite CRM that works for not selling anyone anything, tagging people into different groups, with easy exports/integrations/tools for e-mailing and mail merge, and as a nice to have a gmail plugin for adding contacts to lists from e-mail.
Failure + Perseverance = Success💯
15 habits of lucky people: 1 work harder 2 complain less 3 teach others 4 show gratitude 5 share credit 6 choose kindness 7 volunteer first 8 unselfishly give 9 trust first 10 good manners 11 stay teachable 12 promote others 13 love to explore 14 storytellers 15 love to compete
1/ As founder I prioritized meeting investors who would jam with me on product. I thought they "got us." I wanted to work with them for 10+ years. I was totally wrong. Should have prioritized ones that asked the frustrating, hard, uncomfortable questions. Here's why 👇
One of my most controversial software opinions is that your sleep quality and stress level matter far, far more than the languages you use or the practices you follow. Nothing else comes close: not type systems, not TDD, not formal methods, not ANYTHING. Allow me to explain why.
Here are some key traits that separate great designers from good designers: (thread)
@derSchepp dropped a lovely Houdini demo of this using the CSS Properties and Values API More info on this API in this blog post from @bobrov1989
How many good instructional strategies are there? 10? 100? 1000? When were they invented? How many will be invented in the next few years? Collecting them in this thread 🛒
Wow, lots of interest, so here goes! The general gist of the @superfriendlyco inbound lead sales process: It's missing a few nuances, but the basic shape is here. Freelancers: how close is this to what you do? Agency owners: what about you?
@zachleat Or make everything hand drawn ( and then the typeface will feel in place ;)
Your privacy matters. That’s why every iPhone is designed from the ground up to protect it.
@swissmiss The Pinna App has tons. The mars Patel series is great. Also wings of fire is a series my kids love. Oh and 39 Cluesz
In general, there seem to be: 👩💻 Engineering-driven companies (Netflix, LinkedIn) 👩💼 Business-driven companies (Amazon, old Microsoft, most agencies) 👨🎤 Design-driven companies (Airbnb, Notion, Apple) Notice that these businesses reflect the background of their founders.
Most pitch decks will have slides addressing the following themes (often using these exact titles) 🔥 User Problem ⚙️ Product/Solution ⌚️ Why now? 📈 Market ⚽️ Team 👩💼 Business Model 💹 Financials 🥊 Competition 💰 Fundraising You should touch on all these topics, but... 3/11
When getting ready to pitch VCs, founders often jump right into assembling a slide deck. I think this is a mistake. I’d suggest that you start by writing twenty headlines that sum up your startup, and only then build the slides. Here’s why: 1/11
0/ Remote work isn't exceptional as companies that are spread around multiple offices have done it for the last many years. The special sauce is communicating asynchronously as the default 💡 Here's a thread about why.
My wife and I have found that focusing more on being teammates and less on being soulmates is a solid recipe for marital success. Here's quick thread on the 6 rules we try to follow to be a good teammate to each other in our marriage. 👇👇👇
I want to take notes, tag those notes, search by tags. On desktop and mobile, preferably cross platform. Thoughts?
Social media makes it easier to organize people, so the motivated people are organizing digital mobs. Thread:
- Hidden fees and costs not explicitly mentioned - Importing contacts of friends - Trolling and stalking online - Data breach of login, password and credit card details - Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts being hacked.
So, I’ve decided to learn how to use @sketchapp, particularly for Web and design systems. Please share your best resouces for beginner-friendly tutorials and courses? By “beginner” I mean *absolute* beginner with ~ no prior background in using design tools 😅 Thanks <3
Without using the title of your job, tell me what you do.
dear managers, here's a list of 10 items you should stop doing! love, your no. 1 best programmer pal, duretti 1. putting 10 minutes on my calendar for a "quick chat" with no context. it makes me think i'm gonna get fired 2. heck, just messaging and saying "have a minute?"
Hey React friends, I could use some help. I keep running into this pattern where certain components (esp. lists) could be chunked out into smaller components, or managed by passing in an object. Is one way more standard or better?
Really excited about this, I have just launched a PWA that allows you to backup your secrets by sharing encrypted fragments of them with your social circle. Go and check it out it’s totally free and hopefully easy to use
@cruiseammon @OffOfFerlo @KCaulfield @Ruleyork Comprehension isn't everyone's ministry, sadly.
Component developers, which way do you do it and why?
My favorite part of every brand guidelines is the precious "Logo Misuse" section.
Startup Playbook (2015)
Most seed stage startups aren't tracking enough metrics. Make a simple Google Sheet and track these weekly: - Cash on hand - Burn rate - Recurring revenue - New customers - Lost customers - Marketing qualified leads - Sales demos - Active sales opportunities - Net promoter score
Nice to see Gotham's different widths playing a part in this perpetual calendar designed by TAIT Design Co. of Detroit, Mich. #2019
Here's a sample of slides: about me, my big challenge, strengths, weaknesses, experience, how I see the world, future plans, values, principles, 100-day plan, what motivates me, personality tests, reference quotes & list, how best to manage/work with me, etc. Anything!
@thedezzie Another good one for young groups is 'design an alarm clock' vs 'design a better way to wake up in the morning'
Here's my year goal tracking spreadsheet, if you'd like it for the new year 🤗
A free library of customizable illustrations of people in different situations (Sketch file). Free for commercial and private use. ↬ Humaans
Frequently recommended devices for perf testing: #1) Moto G4: Good approximation for median hardware. Probably the #1 most-recommended device for this. #2) Nexus 5: Similar device class to Moto G4. #3) Alcatel 1X: Much slower device that runs Android Go.
This @McKinsey study of 300 companies reveals what every business needs to know about design for 2019: "Those with the strongest commitment to design and adept execution of design principles had 32% more revenue and 56% more total returns." #cmnyc_reads
Give me your book recommendations for software design, distributed systems, and just good software engineering books in general. Tryna stock up on books to read.
It was an honor to be invited to #ICDPPC2018 in Brussels this morning. I’d like to share a bit of what I said to this gathering of privacy regulators from around the world. It all boils down to a fundamental question: What kind of world do we want to live in?
Savvy founders know when and where to book board meetings—always at lunchtime at the offices of their largest institutional investor.
Subscribed to an app from your iPhone? You can see when the subscription renews and cancel if you want to. Here's how:
What are the truly valuable things you can you learn about code without a computer? Asking for someone currently incarcerated who wants to learn and has no access to a computer.
@joshuafry Like this?
@motherfuton This is what we use
Kids humble us. The other day on a flight home Olympia insisted on running up and down the aisle and when I finally got her to sit still, she threw up all over me. #ThisMama would love to hear your stories of motherhood.. even ones like this! Share and tag them with #ThisMama.
Hi, I'm Jeff and I'm an Engineering Manager at @npmjs and I'd like to talk a little bit about open source, humans, and general empathy
1/ Here is a linegraph of my faith in data vs my time as a product manager ---->
Did you know adding JSX is just like adding a CSS preprocessor? No need for webpack, loaders, or devservers. Compile all <script> tags with one command:
Had an amazing and educational day at #TechInclusion New York, courtesy of the @techinclusionco folks! I stuck to analogue note-taking during the day to be more present during talks, so here’s my post-conference tweetstorm of takeaways :D 1/25
In the past few years, I've been in the position to lead inside companies while major events, all with racism at their core, have unfolded in the news
1/ Getting my first 100 customers always felt like a puzzle. The next 1000 seemed unreachable. Besides, how can you get feedback to make the product better w/o users? After many years, we ended up w/ 6,000+ paying customers. It was a grind to get there.😩 Here's what I Iearned...
Has anyone else noticed that we tend to praise/respect developers who work for big companies and not listen as much to people who work for small ones? I think that's weird. People who work for small companies often have to wear a lot of hats and manage their time really well.
about on-boarding: a thread based on examples in Theresa Neil’s great Mobile Design Patterns book. While the older design style doesn’t hold over up the years... the takeaways certainly do. (1/8)
Are there any good books about strategy framed in the language of compassion and love instead of conflict and war?
1/ "There’s nothing like some user testing to remind you that you don’t know anything." -@far33d, growth at @slack
LeBron goes into great detail about what it takes to succeed in the Social Media Era
2017 is like a 15 year old's Shadowrun campaign was accidentally written down in a magical notebook and came true
1/ It's fun (or, more specifically, "therapeutic") to reflect on learnings over the years for businessing. 15+ years in to all this, I'm still winging it on just about every level possible, so take these insights/observations for what they're worth.
In Greek & Roman mythology, Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself to hide his mischief. His wife, the goddess Juno, was able to peer through the clouds & see his true nature, the same way @NASAJuno spacecraft observes planet Jupiter. Take a look:
If you had one piece of career advice for your younger self, what would it be?
So! In case you missed it, yesterday while my plane was delayed, I read the 4-page preface of a book on software design. It took me three hours to extract from four pages of prose the two fundamental disagreements that I have with its ideas.
Just in case you are trying to make sense of GDPR, here are some great resources to help you out: Good Guide Checklist For developers For designers
1/ Let's talk about fundraising: In 2009, Y Combinator only gave us $15K, half our YC batch died after demo day, 11 firms told us no, 2 firms wanted to find us a CEO, 1 VC told me, point blank, we would fail, we were a week away from death but luckily raised $500K @ 2M pre.
“I have always seen myself as a craftsman and not an artist and I think that’s a very important distinction. […] Design solves problems and I think good typography solves problems.” @bruno_maag of @DaltonMaag.
‘walk it like I talk it’ crossover featuring dr.seuss
I turned 30 today! For the last 5 years, I've tracked major life lessons that are easy for me to forget in a notes doc. I shared these today @orbitalnyc Show & Tell, and thought I'd share them here too:
What is the sexiest web/app design experience and aesthetics out there right now? What's blowin ya minds?
GESTALT PRINCIPLES THREAD! Gestalt is the idea that we see the whole of something before the individual parts. PROXIMITY (1/8) When objects are close to each other, they tend to be perceived together in a group. Use white space to separate groups. Reduce it to group elements.
so many direct-to-consumer brands I've never heard of on Instagram these days, and I've clicked on more than I care to admit. any studies out there on how these long-tail brands are performing, CPA, etc...?
Hi, I'm your friendly neighborhood expert It is 100% true that the condition of poverty actually makes your brain work differently! But let's dive into that rather than leave it at that top-line takeaway.
If you're collecting personal data, "how should I protect this?" is actually your third question. "Should I collect this?" is only the second question. The first question is "what would the worst people do if they got hold of this?"
For our class this year, @garychou and I asked our students to immerse themselves in a community and then try to create and share a small offering—a community-centered approach to design rather than solutionism. Here's what they learned: